TaxiFabric ; fabrics that tell a story.

In the cramped and jam-packed streets of Mumbai, artists have very recently found a space to showcase their work. This space is constantly moving, never without an audience and will remain till Mumbai does. This space is iconic to Mumbai’s culture and most often, the first thing one thinks about as soon as they set foot in this busy city. This space lies within the four doors of every single taxi, better known as kaali peelis. A space that any Mumbaikar might have spent half their lives in, has now been transformed into an on-the-go art space by TaxiFabric’s initiative.


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Fig 1. Photo Credit : TaxiFabric 

TaxiFabric, an organization based in Mumbai dedicated itself to the cause of using design in an unconventional way. The organization believes that design in India has for too long, had limited scope and impact. TaxiFabric aims at using fabric design to raise awareness and drive social change.

The organization claims to put “two and two together”. The TaxiFabric motto is “turning taxi seat covers into canvases, thus creating a great outlet for our designers to channel their talent and enhance the everyday travel experience of thousands of locals. This platform has made the contemporary design available to everyone.”

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Fig 2. TaxiFabric

The use of conversational fabrics contributes to the visual imagery of the city as well as set an example for the scope of spatial design in India. Each fabric, unique in its message, is created with attention to detail and for a purpose of its own. The taxifabric process begins as they fuel conversation between the taxi driver, who is essentially the owner of the space and, the designer. Taxi drivers and designers together; set the tone for the identity that they choose to give to this space. The 36 taxis that have been revamped feature fabrics varying from prints inspired by Bollywood to Freedom Fighters. However much the print may vary in color, subject or mood, what remains consistent is the Mumbai element.


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Fig 3. Photo Credit: Taxi Fabric


The project has paved the way for innovative collaborations between transport spaces, and other spaces in general with design; a mutually beneficial deal. This project has been able to give designers an interactive space to showcase their work and exposure. The project has also boosted business for the taxi’s, who claim to be appreciated for TaxiFabrics work. Space, as Taxifabrics slogan suggests, are supplied with exclusive works by designers to “tell a story” to anyone experiencing them.

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