Disseminating the gems of India

“Resist the mantra of speed that violently leads to losing oneself. Resist the illusion of something new at any cost.” – Allesandro Michele

The beginning of a greener and cleaner era is here. In the midst of the chaos, or perhaps because of it, the world has suddenly recognized it’s responsibility as individuals, consumers and citizens of this planet. With this realization in consumers, and a handful of quality creators, comes the need for the industries to follow these footsteps. Slow has never been so chic. It is cool to buy into a well researched and developed product, one that supports the consumer’s primary yet lesser recognized need- the wellness of one’s own environment. It is cooler to by into philosophies, sustainable processes, and conscious brands.

This is the philosophy that united Indian alphas of sustainable luxury at Good Earth, with Yoga instructor and health freak, Mini Shastri.

Mini Shastri is the founder and instructor of a recognized Yoga studio in Delhi, and the leader of several health driven projects in India. Shastri’s commitment to health goes beyond her 20-year practice of Yoga, but also, into every other aspect of her daily ritual. Her idea of indulgence originates from treating the body right, with a perfect balance of exercise, eating habits and other treats.

Good Earth as a brand, is a precise and perfect reflection of India’s history, culture and heritage. In all aspects, be it their product, identity or their flawless visual narrative, Good Earth successfully mirrors Indian aesthetics and values. Keeping all this in mind, their greatest pride (as the name suggests) is their legacy of provided tasteful, sustainable luxury.


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Fig.1 Mini Shastri in Good Earth / Photo Credit: Instagram


So where does clean eating, meet clean dressing? There was no one better to ask these questions to but Mini Shastri herself. She told us, “We meet in our common ideology of being aware of our produce. Of the raw materials that are used in our respective fields of design and health. For Good Earth, they are very particular about being as sensitive to the environment in the entire process from the inception of an idea all the way through till its sale. For me, the environment I take care of is internal too. Sustainable living is a lifestyle that we both believe in, in adopting habits that are driven by being careful of our actions and their consequences. The bigger picture. It’s about taking good care of what’s around you.”

What drove you to do this project?

I think it’s lovely, industries getting together to make a positive change. Subscribing to healthier living. And by subscribing to sustainable clothing, you’re not only taking a step towards a greener and cleaner environment, but also sustaining communities and age old design practices from India’s remote areas. I also believe that we fail to consider the skin being the largest organ of our body. So what you wear really matters, you’re applying that to yourself. We need to pay attention to what we consume. It is no more about being fooled by the commercial aspect. So this is about no chemical dyes, and no harmful processes.

What is the concept behind this work?

The idea of this project is desemination of Indian gems, produce and wealth to larger audiences. What we are doing now, has been done in India for years. Our inspiration comes from these age old recipes and organic processes. Something that thankfully alot of designers are doing. The richness of Indian materials like madder, turmeric, saffron and manjeeshtha reflect this idea of sensitive, conscious and slow fashion. It is to create beautiful work, but not at the cost of damage. This is about responsible sourcing, and thoughtful manufacturing.




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